3 Surprising Benefits of a Gratitude Habit

Feeling grateful is a treasure and is most often associated with positive moments in our lives. Yet the initiation of a regular gratitude practice is not emphasized enough because we may not understand some of its key benefits. Surprisingly, a regular gratitude mindset and or habit has at least 3 benefits that we might not always think of as intuitive. These benefits include:

1. Gratitude may help us live longer.
In a study published in 2024 in JAMA Psychiatry, adults who showed more gratitude had a lower risk of dying than those who didn’t. While the study was limited to white women, it has a considerably large sample size which makes its findings more significant. Note that gratitude was associated with lower mortality and not proven yet to increase longevity.

The impact on longevity or in other words decreased mortality is new in terms of the gratitude research known to date. It is significant and may be a key point in getting us to start a gratitude habit.

2. Gratitude can help us be more productive especially at work.
Researchers at Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania found that in workplaces where gratitude was expressed more often that productivity increased. This may be in part because we don’t expect to feel appreciation at work. When we experience gratitude, then surprisingly, we dig down and become stronger participants and contributors. This may be the key to some of the most effective business habits.

3. Gratitude decreases loneliness.
A recent 2024 study suggested that to mitigate feeling isolated we should give thanks. This may be in part because gratitude can help strengthen social ties and be an important lubricant to relationships providing positive moments and experiences with others. One in 5 people are found to experience loneliness making it notably common. In order to stay connected, gratitude helps build perspective and value in our relationships. And why not initiate the practice that helps us build strong social lives? It’s free and we know connections matter.

These 3 surprising benefits to gratitude can be convincing enough to help us flex in gratitude. And while we live in a world where negativity can permeate our lives, we cannot let it jeopardize our livelihoods and attitudes. Use gratitude as a shield and happiness hack so your life becomes enriched, meaningful and joyful.



