How Ramadan Can Be a Source of Strength All-Year Round

In times of uncertainty and angst, an individual faces a choice: Can I rise up to make something out of opportunity? Or do I fall back and leave it to chance?

However way you put it, life throws curve balls no matter who you are. When you face the decision to make lemonade out of lemons and you do it, that muscle memory is planted. You have previously chosen to ‘make something out of opportunity’ and you know how to do that again and again.

During Ramadan, there is ample space and time (come on, let’s face it—30 days is a long time to pause and self-reflect) to journey into a space where we can find solace in our angst and make peace with our challenges. How so? By choosing to step into the blessings of Ramadan, we find out what it is that we are looking for. That’s it. By naming what it is that we are looking for, we find out what the next step we need to take is. Then, action. Then, repeat.

Ramadan prepares you for a year filled with more motivation and hope if you let it. Working actively towards our goals in Ramadan is the first step, but seeking the renewal of hope throughout the year is the genuine gift we all may receive in this month God-willing.

How many times must you fall to realize you have the strength and worthiness of all the blessings you are looking for? As many times as you need to. Fall. Fail. Fall. And then, get back up. No matter what challenge you are given, there are ample blessings, mercy and goodness to soak up especially in these last ten holy days and nights of the blessed month.

When we leave the month of Ramadan, we face the next decision at our footstep: Can we continue to act and choose to make something out of opportunity the full year ahead? Or again, do we just leave it to chance?

Make Ramadan–or seize the moment anytime outside of this month–the time where you soak up the goodness and courage, as well as focus and intelligence, so that your year ahead becomes filled with ample blessings that only you began to imagine in this month. No doubt the ripple effect will be there when you need it to be because you had planted the seeds of action and abundance during the holy month itself. May you fill your life with blessings actively. Thank you.

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